Our Alumni

Gulmira Tursyngali, FT MBA 2019

🌟 Meet Gulmira Tursyngali @gulmira.tursyngali @ftmba2019 🌟 - A Trailblazer in Finance and Business! 📈💼 👩‍💼 Who is she? Gulmira is an accomplished finance pro with a dynamic career across diverse sectors. From commercial enterprises to international organizations, including a recent stint at a UN agency, she's done it all! 🌍🏢 🎓 Education: She holds an Advanced Diploma from the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and an MBA from Nazarbayev University's esteemed Graduate School of Business. 🎓📚 She also had an enriching exchange experience at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business in the U.S. 🇺🇸 📊 Professional Journey: Starting as an auditor, Gulmira has worn many hats - financial analyst, budgeting/planning manager, and compliance/investigation consultant. 📊🔍 Her standout contributions at Deloitte focus on tackling complex fraud, bribery, and corruption cases in the oil and gas sector. 🛢️🔒 🛡️ Expertise: She's a whiz at data collation, evidentiary synthesis, and findings reporting. Her sharp analytical skills are evident in her third-party compliance reviews, where she identifies and mitigates risks while ensuring regulatory compliance. 📋🛡️ 🌱 Community Impact: As a former Vice Curator of the Global Shapers Community Astana, she's also committed to making a difference. 🌱🤝 She led a transformative social initiative aimed at nurturing vital soft skills among children. 👦👧 🌟 Bottom Line: In the realm of finance and business, Gulmira Tursyngali is an invaluable asset. Her academic prowess, intricate financial acumen, and commitment to community make her a professional force to be reckoned with. 🌟👏 Stay tuned for more posts about our alumni! #FinancePro #DynamicCareer #GSBalumni #NazarbayevUniversity #Deloitte #GlobalShapers #CommunityImpact #WomenInFinance #Trailblazer 🌟👩‍💼📈💼🌍
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